
There are some things in life that we take for granted without even realizing it. These things can be the most trivial things or the most important ones. Two things that I now realize that I have taken for granted for the amount of time that I’ve owned them are my Battery and my power cord for my laptop.When things are working properly we oftentimes forget about them and think about something that we deem more pressing or worthy of our thoughts. It isn’t simply technological things that we do this with, however, we do it with our own bodies as well. For example, when is the last time that you thought to yourself, “Wow, it feels so good to not have a headache right now” or, “My throat feels so good, it isn’t sore at all.” It is a rare occasion that we think like this, but perhaps we should a little more often. It seems like the only time we appreciate something or someone is after we can no longer enjoy it or express to that person how we actually feel. I know this could seem like a strange stretch to compare physical health to the health of my technology, but it makes a lot of sense to me. Okay, now for the specifics…everything was going just fine for me with my computer, I’d finally gotten all of my software issues resolved and then my battery went dead, and stayed there. For the past two weeks or so, I’ve only been able to use my computer when it’s plugged in, which has really made me understand how much I do like the concept of a laptop.But even then all I could think was how upset I was that I didn’t have my battery working rather than thinking how grateful I was that I did have a working power cord. Well, now I don’t even have one of those.What started out like an ordinary trek across my living room, took a quick turn for the worse as my foot caught my power cord and sent my laptop to the floor. I was already mad enough that I had knocked my laptop onto the floor before I then realized that I had broken my power cord into my computer as well (If you’re wondering how I’m typing this, I’m using my wife’s MacBook).I guess what I am trying to convey in all of this is simply that we need to make an effort to be thankful for what we have while we are enjoying it and not take the small things in our lives for granted. Enjoy a sunny day while it’s here rather than wishing for one during the rain.